Do we love our children?

I am blessed with 2 beautiful children, a girl and boy. A mother called me after my daughter’s 8th standard results and asked me whether I had inquired about my daughters results. She told me that her daughter gave my example, that I was the most chilled out mother who never pushes her kids regarding studies. I actually hadn’t asked my daughter her marks and when this woman realized I actually hadn’t asked her, she was rather surprised

My world also revolves around my family like other mothers but seeing my children happy rather than successful [as in the harsh competitive world] was always my priority.

What makes children happy is of optimum importance rather than what makes parents happy

Very important to remember is that a happy child is a physically and mentally healthy child

Put your burdens and expectations on your kids, in few months you will see a completely inactive and unhappy, cranky child

So in big competitive metropolitan cities how do we foster both happy and successful kids at the same time [pls note for me a person teaching in special needs school for me is equally successful as a prominent banker as long as that person is happy]

Spend time with your kids when they want to reach out to you

Hug your kids, kiss your kids, and pat them lovingly on their heads, even this will make them very healthy and confident. Ask your kids what hobbies interest them rather than you deciding for them. My daughter loves violin and guitar so when she was a kid we took her to a good violin and guitar school after which she cleared many grades of examinations. On the other hand when we kept a tutor to train my son for guitar, he didn’t enjoy it and rather showed an inclination towards singing so we sent him to the music teacher and my son went without complaints because he enjoyed singing.

Too many classes hamper a child’s growth and make them irritable, give them a lot of free play time with their friends and natural sunlight too. Kids will become highly intelligent , will focus less on eating junk and have an excellent body

Trekking holidays should always be your priority with kids, even in winters take them outside the city and climb a hill for a few hours rather than wasting time in restaurants and movie halls

Never ignore a kid when you are talking to someone and he immediately seeks your attention. Don’t shout at him for interrupting you , instead excuse yourself and make yourself available to him to hear what the kid has to say

Don’t give kids to male servants. It is a mothers duty to make sure that the child should not be touched physically by males other than very close relations under surveillance. One act of negligence can ruin a child’s life forever

Last but not the least, never abuse a kid or shame them in front of friends or outsiders. If you abuse , your kid too will behave the same way. Abusing a kid in front of others or shouting regularly at home will shatter children’s confidence and that will reflect in all areas of their lives

Being a parent means sacrificing a lot so only become a parent if you are willing to sacrifice many aspects of your life in order to let another life bloom. Children are indeed God’s in disguise and we should only dedicate our life to raising them up just the way we would treat GOD.

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