Managing Blood Pressure the Natural Lifestyle way

When we talk about health, we are also responsibly speaking of a situation, where there is no disease. Ease is a situation where the body is undisturbed. When disease sets in the body is not at ease. It is disturbed, something that takes away your peace, so recognizing disease and how to get over it is very important if you want a so called happy and undisturbed life

Acidity and blood pressure

Several diseases stem from our stomach and digestive system, from common cold to cancer, leaving apart some diseases contracted through pathogens like bacteria and viruses

We will explore many dimensions of health and disease in our further articles

Today let’s look at acidity and blood pressure

Acidity and blood pressure are two sides of the same coin. When we go to a doctor with a headache, heaviness on the eyes, anxiety, palpitation or fever, she will check your blood pressure and pulse. If blood pressure reading say hypothetically is 160\ 100, she will immediately put you on a beta blocker, calcium blocker etc

Now the question really is do we need to take medication or will the blood pressure come back to normal with normal pulse. Consider this:


Now, lets look at the Diet Plan

White petha* juice 250 to 300 ml should be your intake first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. This juice has to be strained and had without mixing with other juice, no fibre please

No tea or coffee

Around 10am – take Naturopathy salad, recipe has been shared in recipe section

Vegetable soup good quantity without salt for lunch

Around 3pm – Good big bowl of fruit, banana only if organic

5pm – nariyal pani (coconut water)

For supper, you can take a bowl of oats, soupy style, with a pinch of salt and no masala at night.

Pudina ground with water 2 times a day

Cleansing stomach is equally important so if you need to take say duphalac or some herbal laxative, don’t hesitate for these 3 days

If acidity is extremely high, vomiting after gulping warm water with salt a couple of times in the morning will help decrease the acid

Also, one may take basil seeds soaked in water for 6 hours or fennel soaked in water for few hours to bring down the acidity level

Everyone has different preferences so check accordingly


This diet is to be taken the first 3 days

Check your bp on Day 3, it will be normal or close to normal

If health matters more than taste, you will achieve your goal. If vice-versa kindly don’t stop your medication without doctor’s advice. Your life entirely depends upon your discretion

I will discuss further the diet for other days and what you can eat one blood pressure and acidity is normal

*also called ashgourd or winter melon.

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