What is prayer? Let us rethink

People all over the world pray to countless Gods, deities and the universe. Some people believe that if our mind and heart is clean we will reach heaven automatically. Logically true because people believe in karma, atleast in Asian countries. We reap what we sow and enjoy the compounded results of our doings. From childhood we are taught to say our daily prayers , adhere to fasts and please the Gods.

I have also met many people who don’t believe in God and yet are living a very content life, so what exactly is prayer and need for it?

Prayer according to me is a high lifestate; if the body and mind are feeling light as a feather and happy. Gentle thoughts cross your mind and you have gratitude deep down in your heart. You need not be in a  church or temple to be in a state of prayer

Whether you pray in front of a deity or not does not matter, all that matters is how you are feeling , content or not and what you think about others

Love everyone around and find happiness in little things. Eating right , yoga and good walks , greeting all with a smile automatically escalates my happy hormones and I amm peaceful through the day

I generally get up in the morning and say a small prayer for the day to go well, protection not only for my family but the entire world, for my kind maids who work on our house and my kids who light my day. At night I say a thank you prayer for all good things that happened to me during the day, my good health and the protection I received.

So prayer is just some happy time for yourself where you can introspect your shortcomings, make positive affirmations and relax.

When we are in a state of prayer we also make apologies sincerely from our heart, not to commit the same mistake again or hurt another person. Over time I have realised this is the most beautiful moment in prayer if we take it seriously. It can strengthen relationships, give us health and good sleep. One bad relationship can add loads of unwanted weight on our physical and mental being, a weight which destroys our happiness, disturbs our sleep and gives us disease

We would be lying if we say we pray regularly, and the reality is that our relations with people are disturbed, and we can’t see them eye to eye.

Prayer is positive, you cannot ask the universe to finish or ruin someone. Hatred in the heart can never bring our body to a meditative state. Also those always shouting at their staff are ungrateful and accumulate bad karma. Better than that would be to actually work ourselves and generate happy hormones

Stay healthy, stay happy, smile more, encourage the weak and share your good fortune with others, pray for those suffering, work on your weaknesses and don’t repeat your mistakes, that is the spirit of true prayer

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